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WPF Themes

Download the WPF Themes in the WPF Futures release. This collection of nine themes can also be found in the Silverlight Toolkit.


How to Use the Themes

There are two ways you can use the WPF Themes in your application:

1. Theme container. You can wrap the theme container around the control(s) which you'd like to apply the theme to in your XAML. Add references to the theme assemblies you'd like to use, and make sure your project also includes a reference to WPFToolkit.dll (the themes depend on VSM). Then simply wrap the individual controls (like the slider in the example below), or a parent control (like the stack panel in the example below) with the desired theme. For example,

<Window x:Class="System.Windows.Controls.Samples.ThemesSample"
    Title="WPF Toolkit Themes" 
                <ColumnDefinition />
                <ColumnDefinition />
                <StackPanel Grid.Column="0"  Orientation="Vertical">
                    <Button Content="Button" />
                    <ToggleButton Content="ToggleButton" />
                    <TextBox Text="Textbox" />
                    <RadioButton Content="RadioButton 1" />
                    <CheckBox Content="CheckBox 1" />
                    <ProgressBar Value="50" Maximum="100" Height="14" />
                <Slider Grid.Column="1"/>

2. Resource dictionary. You can also use the themes as a resource dictionary. Add the xaml file of the desired theme to your project (in Visual Studio, right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer, choose Add --> Existing File and select the appropriate .xaml file) and make sure your project also includes a reference to WPFToolkit.dll (the themes depend on VSM). In App.xaml, add a reference to the desired theme to the Application.Resources. For example,

<Application x:Class="ThemesSample.App"
        <ResourceDictionary Source="ExpressionDark.xaml"/>

Themes Quick Reference

Expression Dark Thumbnail Expression Dark Expression Light Thumbnail Expression Light Whistler Blue Thumbnail Whistler Blue
Shiny Red Thumbnail Shiny Red Shiny Blue Thumbnail Shiny Blue Bureau Blue Thumbnail Bureau Blue
Twilight Blue Thumbnail Twilight Blue Bubble Creme Thumbnail Bubble Creme Bureau Black Thumbnail Bureau Black
Last edited Mar 24 at 9:24 AM by SamanthaMSFT, version 5
shaggygi wrote  Mar 21 at 11:26 PM 
Will you be releasing a walkthrough on how to use new WPF themes in WPF app? Thanks

oskarh wrote  Mar 23 at 7:42 PM 
Agree, a quick quide/walkthrough on how to use these themes would be appreciated!

SamanthaMSFT wrote  Mar 24 at 9:25 AM 
I've updated this page with some sample usage. Does that help?

oskarh wrote  Mar 24 at 6:38 PM 
Thanks Samatha!

oskarh wrote  Mar 24 at 6:46 PM 
By the way, I have found that it is not possible to use DisplayMemberPath (for example when binding to a ComboBox) with the themes. Instead you have to specify an ItemTemplate for the ComboBox. The themes seems to override the effect of DisplayMemberPath, making the ComboBox items only contain the result of ToString() applied to them. Not a big issue though..

richarddeeming wrote  Mar 25 at 1:30 AM 
Some of the templates (eg TwilightBlue) seem to be missing the RecognizesAccessKey property on the ContentPresenter for some controls (eg Button). As a result, buttons show as "_OK" instead of "OK".

rahulsinghleo wrote  Mar 26 at 1:12 AM 
hi! Samantha,

I can see in the Designer that the theam has changed. But get this error when i complie the project

Error 1 Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'System.Windows.Controls.Theming, Version=2.0.21024.1839, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2c5c654d367bf4a7' because it has not been preloaded. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent assemblies must be pre-loaded or loaded on demand through the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event. Line 136 Position 36.' E:\NEWDevelopment\Stores System\2009.03.22 RibbonBar\TabsFMWpfStoresSystem\TabsFMWpfStoresSystem\StoresSystem.xaml 136 36 TabsFMWpfStoresSystem

Rahul Singh

SamanthaMSFT wrote  Mar 26 at 3:28 AM 
Hi Rahul, Have you referenced the WPFToolkit assembly in your application? I believe the themes are dependent on the Toolkit b/c they make use of VisualStateManager. If you've already referenced the Toolkit, then I'm not sure what it could be...

rahulsinghleo wrote  Mar 26 at 5:31 AM 
HI! Samantha,

Thnaks for the help. I was missing Refrence for the main lib "System.Windows.Controls.Theming".

Can we change the theam at run time?

Rahul Singh

oskarh wrote  Mar 26 at 9:43 PM 
It seems like some of the themes (WhistlerBlue, BureauBlack, BureauBlue) sets HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment for TabItem to Center. Some other themes (TwilightBlue, BubbleCream) sets the properties to Stretch and the last themes (ShinyBlue, ShinyRed, ExpressionLight, ExpressionDark) leaves the property out (default WPF is Stretch)

I think all themes should leave these properties out completely making the TabItem have its content stretched by default.

rahulsinghleo wrote  Mar 26 at 11:34 PM 
I agree with you i had to change the xmal file. Don't need to specify these stuff. any way the themes stuff is very good.

Rahul Singh

rahulsinghleo wrote  Mar 26 at 11:34 PM 
HI! Samantha,

I have managed to load the resource at runtime and play with all the Themes.

Rahul Singh

mwhouser wrote  Mar 28 at 6:02 AM 
I am using method 2 of including the them in a test app.

But my window background is white, so the checkbox text is white on white (ie. cannot be seen). How do I get the nice gradients you have in the image as my window background? I could hardcode the colour, but that's not theme friendly.


Paley wrote  Mar 30 at 6:32 PM 
I have tried to use themes but I get the following error:

The attachable property 'VisualStateGroups' was not found in type 'VisualStateManager'

It occurs several times in the BubbleCreme.xaml (I haven't tried the others)

SamanthaMSFT wrote  Mar 31 at 3:07 AM 
mwhouser - In the sample application, we used Method 1 to get the gradient backgrounds. It's structured like the example above so that the theme container is wrapping a stack panel which holds all of the controls, and the stack panel gets the nice background.

Paley - Does your application include a reference to WPFToolkit.dll? It sounds like the project isn't finding VSM properly.

Paley wrote  Mar 31 at 4:10 AM 
Samantha, yes it has a reference to WPFToolkit.dll - I am using the 2nd method (Application.Resources) to use the themes.

mwhouser wrote  Apr 1 at 12:53 AM 
So using method 2 requires a non-theme-friendly method of making the controls appear correct?

thotved wrote  Apr 2 at 6:04 PM 
I get the same error message as Paley: "The attachable property 'VisualStateGroups' was not found in type 'VisualStateManager'" in BubbleCreme.xaml and TwiLightBlue.xaml. It worked with the other themes though..
I have a reference to WPFToolkit.dll and System.Window.Controls.Theming.dll.
This is the line that fails: <vsm:VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups>

Anyone know the reason to this?

thotved wrote  Apr 2 at 6:31 PM 
There is also a problem when I change IsEnabled on for example a TextBox. The style doesn't get updated, so if the TextBox's font was 'greyed out' in the beginning it doesn't change to black when the TextBox.IsEnable is set to true... What could I do to fix this?

dcveeneman wrote  Apr 3 at 12:20 AM 
Standing ovation on this one--this is great!

daggmano wrote  Apr 3 at 12:50 PM 
Fantastic! Only one issue I have found - on some of the themes, an initially checked CheckBox does not show as checked. See CheckBox2 on the examples above - I presume they all should be checked?

mlenarz wrote  Apr 7 at 4:50 AM 

@daggmano: Yeah, I noticed the checkbox initial value things too - I had to manually set the checkbox as checked in the code-behind.

@Samantha: Is there any chance that the themes will be expanded to include controls within the wpf toolkit - like the datagrid, date-picker, etc? I like the provided themes, but would like to keep the UI consistent across all controls...

SamanthaMSFT wrote  Apr 7 at 9:11 AM 
Hi mlernarz. Yes, I think at some point we'll definitely want to expand the themes to include the new controls. However, to my knowledge there hasn't been a date set to complete this work.

About the checkbox issue and the errors in BubbleCreme & TwilightBlue, I've got the team that built the themes looking into this and someone will get back to you about it soon.

zebow wrote  Apr 8 at 10:37 PM 
These are fantastic.
I have a question too. I have setup my outter grid using one of the themes and all of the controls inside follow the theme. In one of the of the sections of my sub grid, I have a List View with a custom data template. This List View's ItemTemplate is not using the custom data template - but the theme's. Is there a way to override the theme in one sub section of the grid. If I remove the theme reference at the grid level the custom data template works fine.

MikeyTT wrote  Apr 9 at 2:16 AM 
Am I missing something?? When you set the IsIndeterminate setting to true on the ProgressBar all is Ok, but when you set it back to false it doesn't stop the animation. Without the template(s) applied I get the behaviour I expected. Is there something I'm missing or is it an oversight in the themes??
Thanks, Mike...
BTW Excellent themes. Have really helped me understand theming and overriding templates (if that's the right terminology) a great deal.

MikeyTT wrote  Apr 9 at 3:47 AM 
I've also found that if I have a button in XAML that has an image object within it e.g.
<Image source"animage.png" />
If I set the buttons IsEnabled to false then the image disappears. But when you set the IsEnabled back to true it's still gone. Is this something I'm doing wrong? As with the above post maybe too. I'm pretty new to XAML, WPF and C# for that matter. Although I used to develop in good old Turbo Pascal many a moon ago.

Thanks, Mike...

frankschuette wrote  Apr 9 at 2:21 PM 
Hi Samantha,
will there also be Office 2007 themes supporting all built-in controls (not only the ribbon) in near future ?

Thanks, Frank

SamanthaMSFT wrote  Apr 10 at 2:08 AM 
Hi Frank, we don't currently have any plans to do this, but I'll certainly make a note of your request. Thanks!

gamzu wrote  Apr 10 at 11:33 PM 
Is there a reason why the themes aren't consistent with their namings in the xaml files? I was thinking it would work like a theme would define some basic colors/brushes, and then use them to style the rest of the theme, so then it would be possible for me to use these basic colors/brushes in my own window styling, but hardly any of the themes have the same naming conventions and organization for the basic colors. Other than that, nice work!

shaggygi wrote  Apr 15 at 1:47 AM 
What is the roadmap to adding new WPF Themes to WPF Toolkit controls ( Datagrid, DatePicker, etc )? Are we going to have to wait until VS10 and .NET 4 or releases before then? Thanks

slaouist wrote  Apr 17 at 6:15 AM 
Hello Frank, Bureau Themes are actually inspired and mimic closely the Office 2007 themes. I invite you to check them out.

slaouist wrote  Apr 17 at 6:31 AM 
Hey gamzu,

We are working toward consolidating the static resources naming conventions and our next releases should consolidate these names.


bbrian wrote  Apr 25 at 3:36 AM 
Is it possible to wrap a panel with the theme, but then exclude a control in the panel from the theme? I have a grid inside of a stackpanel that needs a gradient background and the background of the control (grid) is being overwritten by the theme.

southsouth wrote  Apr 30 at 11:28 PM 
there is bug in ExpressionDark. When I apply the ExpressionDark theme, the checked checkBox is not checked.
But for other theme such as UXMusingsBubblyBlue or UXMusingsGreen the checked checkBox is still checked.
I guess the later using VisualStateManager, Does anybody have a VisualStateManager version for ExpressionDark.


JoeGershgorin wrote  May 1 at 6:49 AM 
Anybody else have issues with method 1 breaking the designer in Blend 3 Preview? It errors out with and "Invalid XAML" error on the design surface, the specific Error it spits out is:

The name "ExpressionDarkTheme" does not exist in the namespace

However it compiles/run fines, and doesn't complain at all in the VS 2008 designer.

JoeGershgorin wrote  May 3 at 5:49 AM 
To fix the ExpressionDarkTheme checkbox at runtime (still wonky in Blend designer surface) change the checkbox definition in the XAML source (ExpressionDark.xaml):

1.) Delete the "<Trigger Property="IsChecked" Value="false">" trigger section.

2.) Add use this trigger instead:
<Trigger Property="IsChecked" Value="true">
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource CheckedTrue}"/>
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource CheckedFalse}"/>

Pym wrote  May 5 at 9:23 PM 
I don't know for the others themes, but there is a bug with WhistlerBlue. You should remove ContentAlignment properties for TabItem at lines 2771 & 2772.

evandrofranca wrote  May 6 at 1:17 AM 
when I use the second option,
all components are adjusted to the theme,
only the background is white,
how to adjust the backgroud?

zoltek wrote  May 8 at 9:32 PM 
How can i change items font color on ListView + Buraeu Black?

shaggygi wrote  May 14 at 11:01 PM 
Is there a way to use the themes for application, but not apply to certain controls? Meaning, I do not want to use the theme for DatePicker since it is not currently supported. When using the themes, it makes the DatePicker control dim and can not see the days on calendar. Thanks in advance.

kkaila wrote  May 15 at 5:49 AM 
Need to update the Trigger property IsEnabled (with Value = "True") so controls like the button can be enabled and disabled dynamically through code and keep their existing properties. If you look at BureauBlue for example. you can see that there are no settings when you want to re-enable a button.

Marinus wrote  May 15 at 10:08 PM 
I managed to change the theme in runtime using Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(themeDict);....
But, the Background only changes when choosing ExpressionDark.
How to change the background as well?
Or.. which backgrounds do the different themes use?
I see that there are several questions about this...
Thanks in advance.

Marinus wrote  May 18 at 4:45 PM 
Can you use this themes in combination with the Ribbon-control?
The Ribbon-control has his own themes. Do they match with the WPF-Future-themes or will they match in the future...?

SamanthaMSFT wrote  May 19 at 4:03 AM 
The themes do not currently work with the Ribbon control. The Ribbon themes match the Office 2007 Blue, Black, and Silver looks and do not correlate with the themes in the WPF Theme pack. I would think that the WPF Themes would be expanded in the future to work with Ribbon, but I don't believe we have any set plans for that at the moment. In the interim, Ribbon V1 will have better support for skinning through some new APIs, so you may be able to use those new APIs to apply some of the same colors and styles which are used in the WPF Themes.

shaggygi wrote  May 21 at 9:58 AM 
Can you release a walkthrough on how to use WPF themes in VS 2010 Beta 1? Also, are the newly added WPF Toolkit controls ( DataGrid, Calendar, DatePicker ) supported with WPF themes in VS 2010 Beta 1? Mark Wilson - Thomas was going to check into this, as well. Thanks in advance.

SamanthaMSFT wrote  May 22 at 3:33 AM 
Hi shaggygi, there are currently some bugs with using the WPF Themes in VS 2010 Beta 1. I was able to get them to work using method 2 above, applying them as a resource dictionary in App.xaml. Method 1 appears to throw an exception and we haven't figured out why this is yet. The themes are "officially" supported only for the controls in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 I believe, and do not work for the DataGrid, Calendar, and DatePicker (though you should be able to extend them yourself to work with these controls). We would like to eventually extend the themes to work with the new controls, but we haven't been resourced to do this yet and do not have a date for when this might be available in the future. Thanks!

ml_black wrote  May 25 at 10:35 PM 
I've wrapped a control containing a ComboBox in it with WhistlerBlue. Not all the style elements seem to be applied (i.e. I get the curved corners but not the right color on the box and there is no MouseOver change). In addition, it breaks the display of my binding slightly, which is to a custom object, where I've set these properties: ItemsSource=<binding to an ObservableCollection of the object>, DisplayMemberPath=<a string member of the object>, SelectedValuePath=<an integer member of the object>. So when I don't have the theme applied, I see the string values from the object. When I do apply it, I see instead the object data type.

Marinus wrote  May 26 at 11:06 PM 
Hmm... I managed to change the theme in runtime using Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(themeDict);....
But, how to change the background as well?
Or.. which backgrounds do the different themes use?
Thanks in advance.

zoltek wrote  Jun 10 at 9:33 PM 
Themes doesn't work when i use new WPF 3.5 SP1 Feature: (ItemControls) Alternating Rows.

KasperinK wrote  Jun 12 at 4:25 AM 
Please, has anyone figured out a work around to get the BubbleCream and TwilightBlue to work and not throw the error message about the VisualStateGroup? I really need to get the TwilightBlueTheme working. PLEASE! Anyone! It is June and there is no comments about a resolution or work-around yet.

KasperinK wrote  Jun 13 at 2:00 AM 
For anyone he needs to know, if you want to change the background in the expanders so that it is easier to see or so it matches the rest of your background (just make it transparent) you need to change the background property in the style for target type expander inside the Border that contains the contentPresenter. You could change the resource itself but that would cause any other control that used that resource to get changed as well.

KasperinK wrote  Jun 13 at 2:08 AM 
Joe is right about the trigger property however they are not all CheckedTrue and CheckedFalse some themes use CheckedOn and CheckedOff in any case just use the same thing they did in code but like Joe said switch the IsChecked property to True and make the Enter action True 0r On and make the Exit action False or Off, so basicly it was just all wrote backward. You can still keep any x:Name as well but switch them as well. For example in ExpressionLight they have the checkedTrue_Storyboard for the exit action and it should be for the enter action. And there isn't one for the enter action which again should be your exit action but you can just add it. So it should look like this:
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource CheckedTrue}" x:Name="CheckedTrue_BeginStoryboard"/>
<BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource CheckedFalse}" x:Name="CheckedFalse_BeginStoryboard"/>

KasperinK wrote  Jun 13 at 2:17 AM 
For anyone who doesn't know you can make these work with your custom controls as well so if your company uses controls that are called like; CoNmTextBox, CoNmCheckBox, CoNmExpander and so forth, you can just copy the whole style and change the TargetType in both the Style and the ControlTemplate, like below.

<Style TargetType="{x:Type myCo:CoNmTextBox}">
<Setter Property="KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation" Value="None" />
<Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{x:Null}" />
<Setter Property="AllowDrop" Value="true" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type myCo:CoNmTextBox}">

And be sure to add your namespace at the top:


KasperinK wrote  Jun 13 at 2:21 AM 
You can change these at run time in the code behind like this:

Dim strUrl As String = "Pack://application:,,,/myProject;Component/ThemeResources/BlueTheme/BureauBlueTheme.xaml"
Dim sbURI As Uri = New Uri(strUrl, UriKind.Absolute)
Dim rcDctnry As New ResourceDictionary
rcDctnry.Source = sbURI
myGrid.Resources = rcDctnry

KasperinK wrote  Jun 13 at 2:31 AM 
BTW, thank you guys so much for these. The work you have done is just amazing. You get a greater appreciation for it when you have to walk through all of them making them work just right for you. It is interesting, it seems that different themes were made by different people. You can see a difference in styles of coding between them. Anyways thank so much, let us know if you get those other two themes working.

oskarh wrote  Jun 17 at 5:38 PM 
Found yet another bug in the themes, at least in Whistler Blue (havn't checked the others): In the Style for MenuItem, the ControlTemplate is missing the textblock for displaying possible input gesture text (set when using a command on the menu item). The following element is in the original control template definition and should be in whistler blue as well:

<TextBlock Margin="5,2,0,2" x:Name="InputGestureText" Grid.Column="2" Text="{TemplateBinding InputGestureText}" />

DonBurnett wrote  Jun 29 at 11:44 PM 
Really silly question but when I apply one of these themes to either my regular horizontal listbox or horizontal simplestyles listbox (either it doesn't matter). My listbox loses it's Orientation=Horizontal making these really not all that useful for my application. Any ideas of how I can override this problem. Also my filled background on the listbox item seems to have mouseover events, the fill is gone and mousever causes the listbox items to GLOW (using the themes I have tried including Expression Dark).

rolek wrote  Jul 4 at 1:50 AM 
The sample shows that theming container has a background. However, this background is not included in the theme xaml. It would be nice having in under the same key for all themes. (or source code for the sample application and theming assemblies - cant find that).

Nanjundappa wrote  Jul 10 at 4:05 PM 
I am getting the following error when running vs package "Cannot find type 'System.Windows.Controls.Theming.ExpressionDarkTheme'. The assembly used when compiling might be different than that used when loading and the type is missing. Error at object 'MainBorder' in markup file " .
I have the usercontrols defined in seperate assembly, i have added reference to the WPFtoolkit.dll , System.Windows.Controls.Theming.dll and the System.Windows.Controls.Theming.ExpressionDark.dll. even I tried adding the same dlls references in the package too. Any Idea what's wrong I am doing here?

Maxi247 wrote  Jul 13 at 11:15 PM 
Hi Why Not ListBox style be VirtualizingStackPanel

Nanjundappa wrote  Jul 15 at 9:23 PM 
Hi folks , the above said problem is solved. When ever you wrap your XAML under the themes tag do giva aname to it , say for example
<expression:ExpressionDarkTheme x:Name="xxx">
<!-- here goes ur container XAML... -->

nelsonfsr wrote  Jul 16 at 6:12 PM 
@DonBurnett @Maxi247
To show horizontal orientation on ListBox, add the following code inside the ListBox definition in you form:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBox}">
<Setter Property="ItemsPanel">
<WrapPanel />
IsItemsHost="True" />
Hope it helps.

dibzee wrote  Jul 22 at 7:16 PM 
Please include the UXMusingsRoughGreen and UXMusingsRoughRed themes again - the users loved them! [Included in a previous release]

Some of the themes are also showing databound content incorrectly - calling ToString() on the bound objects, rather than using the binding paths. I've corrected it locally but would be helpful if it was corrected in the release.

Ravadre wrote  Jul 27 at 11:55 AM 
Hi, I've found a bug in ListBox / ListBoxItem in Expression Dark theme. Setting HorizontalContentAlignment to any value in ListBox has no effect on items inside, I've fixed it by adding line
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ListBox}}, Path=HorizontalContentAlignment}" />

at line 733 (Style for ListBoxItem). It looks like it's working now. Any other idea how it could be fixed? (I don't like using FindAncestor etc., I always have a feeling that I'm doing something wrong when I use it :) ).

maqinfo wrote  Aug 5 at 12:26 AM 
When I add the theme file .xaml file, it gives me error of missing references like System.Windows.Controls etc ,I have added wpftoolkit reference also. Which references i am missing and where can i find these dlls. My project is of wpf and not silverlight

The XAML theme error shows error in the following

Mdrasool wrote  Aug 10 at 7:37 PM 
how to apply theme controls to whole application

Mdrasool wrote  Aug 10 at 7:37 PM 
i meand DLL

nmehta6 wrote  Aug 14 at 2:12 AM 
I love these themes and planning on using one of them for a Touch Application. I need the controls to be big enough for finger touch. Is there a simple way to just 'Magnify' these controls? This may be a naive question but I am fairly new to XAML and WPF. Thanks.

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